Rain Kissed Roses Attar
"Rain Kissed Roses" is a fragrant masterpiece inspired by the pristine beauty of nature. At its core, it harbours the rare and precious Natural Rose Absolute, capturing the authentic scent of freshly bloomed roses, enveloping you in a tender, floral embrace. The addition of earthy petrichor notes evokes the aroma of nature awakening, resonating with your very soul. This fragrance unveils in layers, like a morning stroll through a dew-kissed rose garden, culminating in a sensual harmony with Sandalwood and Musk leaving a trail of irresistible allure. Indulge in the fragrant gateway to nature's timeless elegance, designed to accompany you from dawn to dusk.
Top Note: Petrichor, Rose AbsoluteHeart Note: Ylang Ylang, Marine
Base Note: Sandalwood, Musk
(MRP inclusive of all taxes)
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